Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Asking for Didrection

Asking for & Showing Directions
Asking For Directions / Minta ditunjukan arah
-          Can/could you show me the way to …………………………?
-          Can/Could you direct me to……………………………………..?
-          Do you know where ……………………………………….is?              
-          Where is the..…………………………………………………………..?
-          I’m looking for ………………………………………………………..
-          Can/Could you tell me how to get to …………………………

Intructions :
-          Keep going straight = jalan lurus
-          Go straight / straight = lurus
-          Turn right = belok kanan            
-          Turn left = belo kkiri
-          Pass = lewati
-          Follow the road = ikuti jalan
-          Take the first/second/third  turn to the left = ambil belokan pertama/kedua/ketiga kekiri.
-          Take the first/second/third  turn to the right = ambil belokan pertama/kedua/ketiga kekanan.
-          To the end of the road = sampai ujung jalan.
-          Go up to = pergi sampai ke …………..

Nama-namaTempat yang seringditemui di jalan
-     circle /roundabout = bunderan   - railway = relkereta     
-     gas station = pombensin - crossroad /intersections = persimpangan       
-      monument = tugu                             - Tower = menara          
-     Fountain = air mancur                     - traffic light = lampustopan     
-     golf court = lapang golf                    - zebra cross = Markapenyebrangan     
-     bridge = Jembatan                             - tennis court = lapangtenis
-     clock tower = Menara jam             -  soccer field =lapangsepak bola                            

Kata-kata depan yang seringdigunakan.
-          Before = sebelum            -after = sesudah               - near = dekat   
-          next to = disamping       - Beside = disamping     - in front of = didepan  
-           across to = bersebrangandengan            - Between = diantara    
-          over there = disana        - over here = disini.

Look at the map and mark the squares with number 1 to 5.

1.       X : I’m looking for the bus station.
Y : Keep going straight. The bus station is on the left after the second traffic light.
2.       X : Do you know where the nearest bank?
Y : Just turn right at the first traffic light. The bank is the first building on the left.
3.       X. Can you show me the way to the police station?
Y : Go straight and pass the crossroad. Pass the second traffic light. The police station is the first building on the right.
4.       X : Where is the museum?
Y : Turn right at the first traffic light. Follow the road around. The museum is on the right, opposite thefactory.
5.       X : I’m looking for the hotel. Do you know where it is?
Y : Turn left the traffic light and turn right at the circle. Follow the road. No building on the left but the hotel.

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